Tennis coaching for junior beginners on Wednesdays

Does your child want to practice a sport? Why not initiate him into tennis? Practicing tennis allows your child to develop muscles, coordinate his movements and have a fair play state of mind. As he is a novice, register him at the Mouratoglou Academy for a tennis coaching for junior beginner on Wednesday. Your child will benefit from tailor-made supervision and progress at his own pace.

Why start tennis coaching for junior beginner on Wednesdays?

During his tennis coaching for junior beginners, your child will learn the rules of the game and master technical skills. His coach will motivate him and will also be his moral support.

Personal coaching will allow him to learn to surpass himself during tournaments. He will meet other players of the same age and the same level against whom he will compete during his tennis coaching for junior beginner on Wednesday.

He will attend each tennis coaching session for junior beginner on Wednesday with pleasure. He will be supported by his coach and he will be proud whenever a level of performance is reached.

Tennis coaching for junior beginners on Wednesdays also allows you to organize your child’s timetable according to his lessons and training.

coup droit junior

How to choose a tennis coach for your child?

Your child is an aspiring athlete, so give them the best chances of success. Once he has started tennis, encourage him to go even further by offering him tennis coaching for junior beginner on Wednesday. He will always be motivated to move forward and will be diligent in training.

His/her success and progress are essentially based on quality coaching. Our trainer will therefore be a good pedagogue with the skills and qualifications required to exercise his profession.

This professional is also a good observer and shows empathy so that each session adapts to the temperament and sensitivity of each player. Finally, the coach will set the objectives according to each person’s abilities.

The Mouratoglou Academy sets up tennis coaching for junior beginners on Wednesdays, allowing your child to start off well and develop him/herself on a regular basis. Our philosophy is based on tailor-made coaching. A trainer will follow the trainee personally. We therefore develop its training according to its performance, at its own pace. Finally, a personal briefing is frequently carried out to update you on your child’s progress.


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