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How to choose a tennis racket if you suffer from tennis elbow

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a common injury among tennis players. This pain, located in the elbow, is often caused by repetitive movements and poorly executed shots, but did you know that a racket can also be responsible? The choice of racket and string can have a significant impact on your comfort and on the prevention of injuries such as tennis elbow. These aspects, combining technique and health, are often addressed in the methodology taught at the Mouratoglou Academy, where the importance of equipment on performance and injury prevention is emphasised. This article explores the factors to take into account when buying your equipment and tips on how to avoid or alleviate this pain.

Can a racket cause tennis elbow?

Yes, an ill-fitting tennis racket can contribute to the onset or aggravation of tennis elbow. The rigidity of the frame, the weight of the racket and even the type of string used can have a direct impact on the arm and elbow. Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. Frame rigidity : A frame that is too rigid won’t absorb enough of the vibration from the ball, transferring much of it directly to the arm. This can tire the muscles and cause pain, particularly in the elbow. Opting for a racket with a more flexible frame will help to absorb these shocks better.
  2. Racquet weight: Equipment that is too heavy can be difficult for some players to handle and increase muscle fatigue. This can lead to excessive strain on the elbow. Conversely, a racket that is too light may not offer enough stability when struck, forcing the player to compensate by putting in extra effort, which can also lead to tendonitis.
  3. Racquet balance: Head balance plays a crucial role in injury prevention. A head-balanced racquet, i.e. one that is heavier at the front, can add power to your shots, but it also transfers more waves to the arm. Conversely, equipment with a slightly heavier handle will absorb shock better.

In short, a racket that is unsuitable in terms of rigidity, weight or balance can lead to tennis elbow. It is therefore essential to choose your equipment carefully to avoid this type of problem. As part of the Mouratoglou Academy tennis courses, players learn to choose their racket and strings according to their morphology and playing style, thereby reducing the risk of injuries such as tennis elbow.

Can a lighter racket help tennis elbow?

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The answer is: it depends. A lighter racket can help some players avoid muscle fatigue and manoeuvre the racket better, reducing the pressure on the elbow. However, if the racket is too light, it may not absorb vibrations sufficiently at ball impact, forcing the player to exert more effort to generate power, which can also lead to or aggravate injury.

The best compromise is to choose a racket with a moderate weight , between 280 and 300 grams, which offers a good mix of power and stability, without overloading the arm. A lightweight racket combined with a soft, comfortable string can offer good playing comfort for players suffering from tennis elbow. Opting for a racket with a slightly heavier handle can also improve shock absorption and reduce vibration.

Which racket for tennis elbow?

For a player suffering from tennis elbow, certain specific racket features can help to minimise pain and prevent symptoms from worsening. Here are the main features to look for when choosing a good tennis elbow racket:

  • Flexible frame

    As mentioned above, a softer frame (with a stiffness of less than 65 RA) can help to reduce vibrations on ball impact. This shock absorption is crucial to avoid putting too much strain on the areas used by tennis players.

  • Moderate weight

    A racket weighing between 280 and 300 grams is ideal for players suffering from this symptom. It should be light enough to facilitate manoeuvrability, but heavy enough to absorb the waves.

  • Sleeve balance

    A racket balanced towards the handle reduces the load on the arm when striking. This gives you better control of your shots while limiting the stress on your joints.

  • Medium to large sieves

    A larger screen size (100-105 square inches) provides a larger sweetspot, providing better cushioning for off-centre shots and reducing vibration.

Recommended makes and models

  • Babolat Pure Drive

    Renowned for its ability to deliver power while being comfortable for players suffering from this symptom.

  • Wilson Clash

    With its very flexible frame and comfort-oriented design, the Wilson Clash is an excellent option for players sensitive to arm problems.

  • Head Gravity

    This model offers a flexible frame and a pleasant feel when striking, ideal for players suffering from elbow pain.

Which rope for tendonitis?

The choice of string is just as important as the choice of racket for preventing and alleviating tennis elbow or tendonitis. Some strings generate more vibration than others, which can aggravate elbow pain. Here are a few tips on choosing the right string for tendonitis:

  1. Multifilament strings : Multifilament strings are by far the best choice for players suffering from tendonitis. This type of string is softer and more elastic than polyester monofilaments, which means it absorbs vibrations better. Brands such as Tecnifibre and Wilson offer excellent multifilament strings.
  2. Low tension: A string that is too taut can increase the vibrations felt on impact with the ball. It is therefore advisable to string your racquet at a lower tension, between 22 and 24 kg, to improve comfort and reduce stress on the arm.
  3. Natural gut: Natural gut is considered the most comfortable string. It offers excellent shock absorption and minimises wave action, making it an ideal choice for players suffering from this injury. It is, however, more expensive and less durable than synthetic strings, but the comfort offered is unrivalled.

Other tips for preventing and treating tennis elbow

As well as choosing the right racket and a flexible string, here are a few other tips for preventing and relieving tennis elbow:

  • Check your technique: Poor execution of the forehand or backhand can contribute to the onset of symptoms. It’s essential to make good use of your body ‘s rotation and not just use the same area to hit the ball.
  • Work on your fitness: Strengthening the muscles of the arm, forearm and shoulder can help prevent tendonitis. Specific strengthening and stretching exercises can be effective in reducing tension in the elbow.
  • Use an anti-vibration device: An anti-vibration device fitted to the strings of your racket can help to reduce the waves felt when the ball impacts, thus relieving the pressure exerted on the elbow.

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